Fangirl Entry:
What Joshua Ferris has been up to lately. I'm one of those people who liked Then We Came to the End a lot (out in paperback now, by the way), so I'm psyched to have this on radar.
Litblog Meme Entry:
In the ongoing debate over the death of the short story, Stephen King forgot about the Internet. (While I'm thinking of it, don't forget to check out the rest of the current issue of The Quarterly Conversation.)
MFA Sux0r Entry:
Heather Christie on the writing workshop rant in the current issue of Poets and Writers. (It's too bad she couldn't hear Richard Jackson at AWP -- he's interesting.) As for me, I read the piece and thought to myself "How many articles like this has P&W published in the last couple of years?" I'd rather read about what teachers are actually DOING that challenges the age-old workshop model. If Dan Barden thinks he's in the minority by being a former MFA student who nurses a grudge, he's quite mistaken. Geesh, where do you think the tagline for this blog comes from?
News of the Week Entry:
"I suggest she plan to write about her family's next Thanksgiving dinner in Sherman Oaks. Now that would be revealing." James Hynes on the Love and Consequences fabrication story. My sister and I agreed if that either of us pulled something like this? We would totally rat on each other.
Obligatory Entry:
20 Science Fiction Novels that Will Change Your Life. I've read two of them, so clearly I have some catching up to do. I was a little surprised that my #1 pick was not on the list, but after blurting out my fondness for it a few times? Not THAT surprised.
Read This for It Is Awesome Entry:
In attempting to refute my assertion from an earlier post, Kim totally reinforces it. And again. Ha!
Gaming Entries:
This article is sort of HAY LOOK THERE ARE ECONOMIES WITHOUT REAL MONEY OMG LOL in its timeliness and accuracy. I'm posting it here only because I wish someone would write an article about gamer genderbending that didn't pick a single gender.
From a writing perspective, "video game" has outgrown being a pejorative.
Random Entries that Probably Say More About My State of Mind than Anything:
Challenging spelling words for seven year olds.
Something Awful's Comedy Goldmine takes on famous writers as children.
Cookin with Coolio makes caprese salad.
A Dilbert cartoon that summarizes my life (and does not take place in a cube farm).
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