My daughter had an upset stomach over the weekend. Guess who has one now?
Last week's TypePad antics require me to post this administrative note: The best way to find this blog is via this URL: If you lose your RSS feed, that's how you'll find it again. I'm not planning defection at the moment, but it has crossed my mind a few times lately -- especially since I maintain spacious but largely unused Internet mansions elsewhere.
Good discussion of "gateway" SF over at the Whatever.
It's being posted everydamnwhere but I admit, I laughed. It's all about the Hamiltons, baby. (This site is also where you'll find the origins of Turd Ferguson.)
Boy, I loved it.
THanks for putting it up. I needed a good laugh.
Posted by: melly | December 20, 2005 at 12:47 PM